Образуйте причастие i [participle i] или причастие ii [participle ii] от глаголов, данных в скобках. предложения перепишите и переведите. 1) the american blue-collar workers [to earn – participle i] between $10.50 and 12.50 an hour are among the highest [to pay – participle ii] in the world. 2) when [to restrict – participle i] the import of foreign goods in the country, the government may make domestic producers less competitive. 3) customers have the right to ask for a quality certificate for any goods [to offer – participle ii]. 4) the word ‘entrepreneur’ [to borrow – participle ii] from the french language means a person [to organize – participle i] a business and [to manage – participle i] it. 5) in the 1970s, industrial countries had to adjust their industries to the [to change – participle i] world economy, particularly such industries as shipbuilding, steel, and textiles. old-established industries in some countries were [to lose – participle i] their markets to new competitors elsewhere, and their [to lay off – participle ii] workers could not always find new jobs.

NELly1237 NELly1237    1   29.08.2019 01:50    4

vsjhffdsg vsjhffdsg  10.08.2020 01:15
1) The American blue-collar workers earning between $10.50 and 12.50 an hour are among the highest paid in the world.
2) When restricting the import of foreign goods in the country, the government may make domestic producers less competitive.
3) Customers have the right to ask for a quality certificate for any goods offered.
4) The word ‘entrepreneur’ borrowed from the French language means a person organizing a business and managing it.
5) In the 1970s, industrial countries had to adjust their industries to the changing world economy, particularly such industries as shipbuilding, steel, and textiles.
6) Old-established industries in some countries were losing their markets to new competitors elsewhere, and their laid off workers could not always find new jobs.
1) Американские рабочие, зарабатывающие от 10,5 до 12,5 долларов в час, являются одними из самых высокооплачиваемых в мире.
2) При ограничении импорта иностранных товаров в страну, правительство может снизить конкуренто отечественных производителей.
3) Клиенты имеют право запросить сертификат качества на любой предлагаемый товар.
4) Слово «антрепренёр», заимствованное из французского языка, означает лицо, организующее бизнес и управляющее им.
5) В 1970-е годы промышленным странам приходилось при свою промышленность к меняющейся мировой экономике, в частности в таких отраслях, как кораблестроение, сталь и текстиль.
6) Старые отрасли промышленности в некоторых странах повсюду уступали свои рынки новым конкурентам, а уволенные рабочие не всегда могли найти новые рабочие места.
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