Образуйте Present Perfect 1.Mr. Hopper and Ann(to be) to thecinema.2.Mr. Black (to write ) the letter.3.Emma (not to read ) the book.4.The girls (to plaz) the piano? 5.Mrs. Gordon ( to take ) her dog for a walk.6.Lizzy (to have )Rex a bone.7.Mr. Ford ( to speak) in the hall.8.Sally and Brain to eat theporridge.

Королева6743 Королева6743    1   29.11.2020 15:23    3

bogdansudak2006 bogdansudak2006  29.12.2020 15:24
1) have been
2) has written
3) has not read
4) has plazed
5) has taken
6) has had
7) has spoken
8) have eaten
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