Образуйте Participle I Simple от данных глаголов и заполните пропуски по смыслу причастиями в функции определения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

to cry, to shake, to shine, to sit, to laugh, to fall, to run, to sleep, to smoke, to wait, to speak, to stand, to follow, to play, to lose, to leave.

1. The mother is looking at her…child.

2. Do you know the name of the…tower in Pisa?

3. This…little girl always makes her parents do what she wants.

4. The…train is just the one that we haven't caught.

5. In winter the… sun makes us feel happy.

6. My brother doesn't like…girls.

7. This…man is the world champion.

8. This table has…legs.

9. Do you know an answer to the…question?

10. A woman…at the garage is our neighbour.

11. People…at my table are my colleagues.

12. The girl…for me is my sister.

13. Do you know the young man…the piano?

14. Do you understand these people…German?

15. I don't like people… their time.

16. People…at their friends are not the best people in the world.

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morfisleep morfisleep    1   28.04.2020 20:27    5

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