Образуйте множественное число сущ. в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимы изменения.

1. a cat is a cute animal

2. a new business centre is very comfortable

3. a horror film is not for a small child

4. there is a goose in the pond

5. he is a clever man

6. she is a pretty woman

7. there is a fish in the aquarium

8. my bady has a tooth already

9. there is a mouse in the kitchen

Nikakrmararle Nikakrmararle    3   29.09.2019 17:18    1

Sunnnygirl289 Sunnnygirl289  09.10.2020 03:18

1 Cats are cute animals.

2 New business centres are very comfortable.

3 Horror films are not for small children.

4 There are geese in the ponds.

5 They are clever men.

6 They are pretty women.

7 There are fish in the aquariums.

8 My babies have got teeth already.

9 There are mice in the kitchens.

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