Образуйте из прилагательных в скобках наречия, поставьте в предложения и переведите. Напишите мне слово и перевод.
1. The monkeys played … in the cage. (noisy)
2. I am … sorry for that incident. (awful)
3. Ted wrote the test … . (bad)
4. The orchestra played too … . (loud)
5. The firemen fought with the fire … . (heroic)
6. You should stretch your arms … . (gentle)
7. Mr. Black apologized … . (public)
8. The taxi stopped … . (unexpected)
9. She could … open the door. (easy)10.My favourite newspaper is published … . (week)

DedPerdun DedPerdun    2   24.04.2020 16:34    5

dimabashlik3857 dimabashlik3857  13.10.2020 20:20

1. noisily.

2. awfully.

3. badly.

4. loudly.

5. heroically.

6. gently.

7. publicly.

8. unexpectedly.

9. easily.

10. weekly.


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