Образуйте герундии, выбрав соответственно глагол: to vaporize to burst to overcome to understand to define to express to heat to move.Предложения переведите.

1. Sea salts enter the atmosphere by (разрывая) the air bubbles.

2. Energy is required in (для преодоления) intermodular attraction.

3. The rate of (испарения) depends on a number of factors.

4. This is of importance in (понимания) the behaviour of upper winds.

5. These forces prevent air from (прохождение) directly across the isobars.

6. (Нагревание) from below acts to increase air-mass instability.

7. Penman succeeded in (выразить) evaporation losses in terms of four meteorological elements.

8. For this purpose he suggested (определить) а convective condensation level.​

rosharh88 rosharh88    2   27.04.2021 07:57    10

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