Оборот “there + to be” 1. only one theatre and two cinemas in this city ten years ago. a) there is not b) are there c) there was 2. how many rooms in your new flat? a) were there b) there are c) are there 3. no rain last week. a) there weren’t b) is there c) there was 4. a new ice cream shop in our street next year? a) there will be b) there is not c) will there be 5. many channels in st. petersburg? a) is there b) are there c) there will not be 6. two hours ago lots of people on the square. a) there was b) there were c) there isn’t 7. our bedroom is small. only two beds, a little table and a wardrobe in it. a) there is b) will there be c) there are 8. the suitcase is empty. any clothes in it. a) there is not b) were there c) there was 29 9. how many guests at your last party? a) are there b) here will be c) were there 10. no exotic flowers in her garden. a) was there b) there are c) there weren’t 11. he thinks a lot of problems with this theory. a) there is b) were there c) there will be 12. how much money in your pocket? a) were there b) is there c) there was 13. listen! a slight noise behind the door. a) there will be b) was there c) there is 14. it is frosty. but no snow tomorrow. a) was there be b) there is c) there will be 15. a meeting at the university last week? a) are there b) was there c) there isn’t

мама1036 мама1036    1   30.09.2019 18:40    5

arsenova arsenova  09.10.2020 06:03

1 с

2 c

3 c

4 c

5 b

6 b

7 c

8 a

9 c

10 b

11 c

12 a

13 c

14 c

15 b

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