Нужны ответы 1. find the sentence with present simple. a) tim is going to madrid this week. b) ben always arrives at work in time. c) sam has never been to china. d) tim will go for a walk as soon as he does his report. 2. find an irregular verb. a) deal b) try c) tie d) study 3. find an adverb of
frequency for present simple. a) again b) later c) seldom d) at the moment 4. find the sentence with present continuous. a) boris plays the piano every morning. b) i am typing a message. c) we watched the football match two days ago. d) usually cats like playing with their tail. 5. which verb
doesn’t have present continuous form? a) sale b) produce c) cost d) trade 6. which word is usually used in present continuous? a) last week b) five years ago c) yesterday d) at present 7. find a stative verb. a) might b) desire c) would d) could 8. find the sentence with present perfect. a) is the
plane taking off right now? b) i cried because no one wanted to lend me a bicycle. c) she will try to get your attention. d) i have just drunk my first morning cup of coffee. 9. which word is usually used in present perfect? a) yet b) always c) tomorrow d) next year 10. find an exclamation. a)
what the weather like today? b) what an amazing story! c) how can i get to red square? d) i don’t believe you. 11. find the sentence in which relative pronouns can be omitted. a) the monument that was built in 1950 has been destroyed. b) those people who have moved to england can’t get the
citizenship. c) the students hope that the teacher won’t come. d) i don’t really know why she is crying. 12. find the sentence with past simple. a) i had been ironing my shirt for 15 minutes, so i didn’t have time to have coffee. b) i put on my clothes after i had got up. c) mark and david were not
excellent students in high school. d) she hadn’t eat anything before she went to bed. 13. find the sentence with past continuous. a) you didn’t come to my birthday party. b) he wasn’t planning to spend the day at home, but the rain that started in the morning ruined all his plans. c) his wife had
been playing in a jazz orchestra for several years before she set up her own business. d) i'm thinking of buying a new car. 14. find the sentence with past perfect. a) my father didn’t take a taxi to the airport. b) she was constantly talking with somebody. c) by the time the guests came the table
had been already served. d) she hadn’t been sleeping for an hour when you came. 15. find the sentence with past perfect continuous. a) it had been raining for two hours when i left home. b) he didn’t eat spicy food when he lived in china. c) i was watching tv while he was doing his homework. d) they
thought that letters had been sent.

ворона1111 ворона1111    2   07.10.2019 17:30    6

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