1. Has she ever chatted online?
2. Have they ever shared files?
3. Has Jack read this message board?
4. What have you emailed?
5. Why has she downloaded that file?
6. Where have we posted a message?
Это упражнение на время Present Perfect. "Have" ставится с местоимениями I, you, we, they, а "Has" ставится с he, she, it.
1. Has she ever chatted online?
2. Have they ever shared files?
3. Has Jack read this message board?
4. What have you emailed?
5. Why has she downloaded that file?
6. Where have we posted a message?
Это упражнение на время Present Perfect. "Have" ставится с местоимениями I, you, we, they, а "Has" ставится с he, she, it.