Нужно)заранее ) check that you can use the -ing form after verbs and preposition make sentences using the words in brackets. 1 i like going to football matches 1 i go to a lot of football matches. (like/go) 2 jenny's scared when she's in a crowd. (can't stand /be) 3 ben's always ill when he travels by car. (hate/travel) 4 i don't want to be in the choir. (not good at/sing) 5 jay always takes his surfboard when he goes to the beach. (keen on/ surf) 6 jack often tidies his room. it isn't a problem. (doesn't mind /tidy)

берик7 берик7    3   28.08.2019 15:40    1

alicea07 alicea07  06.10.2020 00:48
2. Jenny can't stand being in the crowd.
3. Ben hates traveling by car because he is always ill.
4. I am not good at singing.
5. Jay is keen on surfing.
6. Jack doesn't mind tidying his room.
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