Нужно выбрать правильный во к предложению
1.My friends are students,
aren't they?
are they?
don't they?
isn't they?
2.Your sister plays the piano well,
doesn't she?
didn't she?
has she?
does she?
3.You can't finish this work today,
don't you?
did you?
can you?
can't you?
4.She will dance next Sunday,
will she?
won't she?
doesn't she?
can't she?
5.They have got a big house in the country,
have they?
don't they?
aren't they?
haven't they?
6.He can't skate,
can he?
can't he?
couldn't he?
doesn't he?
7.You liked the film,
didn't you?
did you?
don't you?
aren't you?
8.She is a very good pupil,
hasn't she?
didn't she?
isn't she?
doesn't she?
9.You like detective stories,
didn't you?
don't you?
have you?
do you?
10.They have already finished this test,
haven't they?
have they?
don't they?
did they?

green151 green151    1   06.05.2020 14:36    1

MOJH MOJH  14.10.2020 08:38

1are they

2does she

3can u

4will she

5have they

6can he

7did u


fara30 fara30  14.10.2020 08:38

1.Aren't they?

2.Doesn't she?

3.Can you?

4.Won't she?

5.Haven't they

6.Can he?

7.Didn't you?

8.Isn't she?

9.Don't you?

10.Haven't they ?


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