Нужно вставить в текст слова которые ниже stonehenge rules! nowadays, the computer is everywhere. it runs our lives. you (0)d a holiday or theatre or cinema seats or you pass through the supermarket ( and somebody starts pressing keys. instantly a screen and a machine ( your movements as a spender. ( you pay by card or cheque, your bank or building society is also ( of your life as saver or spender. there ( a computer ( over your money. where did it all begin, this modern ( of accounting so different from that of the poor clerks dickens ( about sitting on high stools from early morning till late ( night? well, in britain if you take a train or bus and travel across to the southwest, you may ( yourself looking at the answer. a few miles outside salisbury ( a broken ring of large stones known as stonehenge. the ring is ( over 4,000 years old. experts have ( that one use of the henge was to make calculations, probably to ( with astronomy. if true then stonehenge can ( to be britain’s oldest computer – stonehenge rules, you might well say. 0 a make b demand c order d book 1 a lookouts b sendoffs c knockouts d checkouts 2 a retail b record c retain d report 3 a despite b indeed c whether d however 4 a piece b part c portion d amount 7 5 a again b however c more d over 6 a glances b looks c watches d cares 7 a path b route c track d way 8 a described b wrote c told d reported 9 a in b the c of d at 10 a get b find c apply d appear 11 a stands b runs c grows d forms 12 a many b plenty c well d lots 13 a informed b suggested c advised d appealed 14 a do b make c have d refer 15 a demand b insist c claim d maintain

liliana564 liliana564    1   28.09.2019 19:40    0

AlisaBust AlisaBust  09.10.2020 01:13
1d 2b 3c 4b 5a 6c 7d 8b 9d 10b 11a 12c 13b 14a 15c
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