×Нужно вставить слова на месте точек в Present Simple. ×Потрібно вставити слова на місті крапок в Present Simple.

слова: live. walk. like. teach. have. harm. need. play. prefer. own. be.

David 1) in a nice neighbourhood in a small town in England. He 2) living there because it 3) everything that he 4) . There are a lot of nice shops, restaurants and cafes. There is also a cinema and a sports centre. David 5)at the local school. He 6) to work because the school is not far from his house. In his free time he 7) basketball . David 8) car. He 9 riding his bike because it 10) a good form of exercise and it 11) the environment.


Zarishka1312 Zarishka1312    1   06.08.2020 22:59    2

рома1340 рома1340  15.10.2020 15:45

1) lives

2) prefer

3) own

4) need

5) walks

6) likes

7) plays

8) has

9) teachs


11) harm

igor1337d igor1337d  15.10.2020 15:45

1) Lives

2) likes

3) has

4) needs

5) teaches

6) walks

7) plays

8) owns

9) prefers

10) is

11) harms


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