Нужно вставить прилагательное или наречие. 1) our landlady greeted us … in french a) bright; b) brightly 2) the moon was shining so …, we decided to go out a) bright; b) brightly 3) industrial goods are often produced … in developing countries. a) cheap; b) cheaply 4) you can buy fresh vegetables … at the market. a) cheap; b) cheaply 5) they broke the window stole everything and got … away. a) clean; b) cleanly 6) with one stroke, he out the log … down the middle. a) clean; b) cleanly 7) he’s in a bad mood and i’m going to stay … of him for/a/ while. a) clear; b) clearly 8) white your name and address … at the bottom of the form. a) clear; b) clearly

aizmesteva aizmesteva    3   09.09.2019 20:30    2

Виктури Виктури  07.10.2020 03:56
1) b) brightly
2) a) bright
3) b) cheaply
4) a) cheap
5) a) clean
6) b) cleanly
7) a) clear
8) b) clearly
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