Нужно вставить предлоги, где необходимо
1. I can't supply you ... a ready answer. You'll have to find ...
things for yourself.
2. Now, you're making ... stories again!
3. The war broke ..., and for many years he was separated ... his
4. He is a very light sleeper. He will wake ... at the slightest noise.
5. ... short it was the best book I had ever read.
6. What he did caine as no surprise. By that time I was familiar ...
his ways,
7. He had turned to them for help several times but ... success..
8. We were all annoyed ... her for coming late.
9. The doctors did their best to prevent the epidemic ... spreading.
10. ... my mind a job well started is half done.
1. His services were highly appreciated ... the government.
2. It looked as if she was ... the point ... saying something.
3. They were walking ... the street, hand ...chand.
4. You may count ... him to keep his head in a moment of distress.
5. ... one thing I'm busy, ... another I'd like to keep out of it alto-
6. What do you think I ought to do ... a case like that?
7. You must hury if you want to get ... the station ... time to catch
the six o'clock train..
8. Our cases were placed side ... side and Miss Bradley and myself
were naturally side ,... side to
9. He is a good son. You can be proud ... him.
10. She was ... to say that she would be leaving soon, but then
changed her mind.​

Dginh Dginh    2   07.04.2020 13:22    3

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