Нужно вставить правильное слово. the school holidays have just ( begin,began,begun) and we're going way tovorrow. mum ( got,gets,get) the plane tickets last week and ( she, she's, she hasn't) already booked a taxi to take us to the airport. everyone (is,was,has been) worried last night because dad(can't,couldn't,hasn't)find his passport, but he's(just found it,found it yet,found it already) at the bottom of the wardrobe. i'm nearly ready to go. i've (choose,chose,chosen)the things i wont to take,but i (put,didn't put,haven't put) them in my bag yet

ssasin ssasin    3   12.09.2019 16:00    0

MASKARAD2211 MASKARAD2211  07.10.2020 09:58
1) begun
2) got
3) she hasn't
4) has been
5) couldn't
6) found it already
7) chosen
8) haven't put
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