Нужно составить 5 предложение на в настоящем времени утвердительный,вопросительный,атрицательный и 5 преждложение в прощедшом времени утвердительный,вопросительный,атрицательный.

хорошист488 хорошист488    2   22.08.2019 16:30    2

svishevaarina svishevaarina  08.09.2020 21:56
I'm doing my homework.
He's watching a video.
She's playing the computer game.
We're cooking dinner.
They're singing a song.
I'm not going my homework.
He isn't watching a video.
She isn't playing the computer game.
We aren't cooking dinner.
They aren't singing a song.
Am I doing my homework?
Is he watching a video?
Is she playing the computer game?
Are they cooking dinner?
Are we singing a song?
present continuous
I did my homework.
He said no.
She told me about it.
We could helped him.
They were hungry.
I didn't do my homework
He didn't say no.
She didn't tell me about it.
We couldn't help him.
They didn't be hungry.
Did I do my homework?
Did he say no?
Did she tell me about it?
Could we help him?
Did they be hungry?
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