Нужно составить 10 вопросов о квартире на - не с переводчика - (например: что где стоит, или находится) другу или кому нибудь. много

КаРаТиСтКиОкУшИнА КаРаТиСтКиОкУшИнА    2   19.09.2019 19:10    0

sanzik2005 sanzik2005  10.09.2020 12:28
1. How many rooms are there in your flat?
2. What is your favorite room in the flat?
3. Is there a carpet on the floor?
4. Is there a table in your room?
5. What is there on the table?
6. Are there any arm-chairs in the room?
7. Is there a bookcase in the room?
8. Is there a TV in the room?
9. How is the room lighted?
10. Where do you keep your clothes?
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