нужно расставить правильно глаголы по времени. заранее . 19. i never (read) a story that (interest) me so much as the one i (read) last night. 20. when we (go) to see them last night, they (play) chess, they (say) they (play) since six oclock. 21. you (go) with us to the zoo tomorrow if you (be) a good boy. 22. no sooner we (finish) the translation of the text than the bell (ring). 23. why you (not, make, do) an effort to improve your life? i wish you (make) an effort to change everything. 24. if i (be) you, i (think) twice before accepting his invitation. 25. 1 wish you (discuss) this (serious, seriously) tomorrow. it isnt funny. 26. all the doors and windows (lock) before we went on holiday, but the house (break into) when we (return) home. 27. our house (surround) by a beautiful garden. the garden (plant) by my grandfather many years ago. 28. the cambridge folk festival very well (organize), and there are never (any, some) of the serious problems which can (cause) by large crowds. 29. the oldest college in cambridge university is peterhou-se, which (found) in 1284, and the most recent is robinson college which (open) in 1977. 30. id like to know who australia (discover) by? - ask the teacher about it, 31. dan said that he (call) you (tomorrow). - if he (call) me in the evening, i (be) very busy. i wish he (call) me in the morning. 32. we thought that the parcel (deliver) in time, but the postman (not, come) yet. 33. the furniture (rearrange) today, and the flat (look) very cozy now.

delvar25 delvar25    2   08.06.2019 17:20    48

aellazhumashovа aellazhumashovа  07.07.2020 19:29
1)have never read,interests,read 2)went,were playing,said,have played 3)will go,are 4)had finished,rang 5)wouldn't you make,would make 6)were,would think 7)would discuss,seriously 8)were locked,was broken,returned 9)is surrounded,was planted 10)is very well organized 11)was founded,was opened 12)was discovered 13)will call,calls,will be,would call 14)will be delivered,hadn't come 15)was arranged,looks
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