Нужно раскрыть скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени (indefinite, continuous, active, passive) 1. where are you going this sunday? – this sunday i ( to go ) to the country, but usually on sunday i ( to stay ) at home. 2. my friend ( to talk )to the teacher, when i ( to see ) him. 3. he ( not to wait ) for us at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 4. the gates ( to paint ) now.

znaniyasveta znaniyasveta    3   23.07.2019 07:50    0

darkdemonsown3mz darkdemonsown3mz  23.09.2020 22:26
1.   ... I will go to the country, but ... I stay at home.
2. My friend was talking to when I saw him.
3. He was not waiting for us at ...
4. The gates are painted now.
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