Нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в правильной форме 1. peter (not/like) to run 2.they (be/not) brothers 3. helen (not/have got) a sister 4. we (not want) to go to the park 5. he (not/have got) a dog 6. she (can/not) play the piano 7. john (want) to play hockey 8. my brother (be) seven

ДасяLove13 ДасяLove13    1   31.08.2019 03:10    0

1232468689 1232468689  09.09.2020 15:16
1. Doesn,t like
2. Don,t
3. Doesn,t have got
4. Don,t want
5. Doesn,t
6. Can,t
7. Wants
8. Is
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