Нужно раскрыть скобки, что бы получилось целое, плавильное письмо. hi, denis! how are you? school exams (0) start (to start) next week - yuck! i hate exams. i always feel nervous. this year we have (1) do) gcse. i (2) learn) 11 subjects this schools year. if i ( (to pass) the gcse successfully, i can study for the a lever exams. a lever are necessary if a pupil (4) (to want) to do university. i ( (to study) it at university, because i (6) (to be interested in) computers since my childhood. of course our teachers want us (7) do) our best. that's why we (8) (to go through) again what we ( (to learn) before we take our final exams. and you? write me a letter and tell about your plans. your friend, vlad.

maz156 maz156    2   08.06.2019 02:10    3

ress123 ress123  01.10.2020 21:52
0will start
1to do
4 wants
5 will
6 am interested in
7 to do
8 are going through
9 learned
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