Нужно про снежного барса на языке

danyaaseev2006 danyaaseev2006    2   23.07.2019 11:00    1

Zorozila90 Zorozila90  03.10.2020 11:32
The snow leopard, or IRBIS listed in the Red data book as «endangered»
IRBIS belongs to poorly studied видам.Место habitat of the snow leopard includes parts of the territories of the 13 States: Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Узбекистана.Среди big cats IRBIS is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands, is a majestic, mysterious and harsh world of the mountains of Central Азии.Выживание this rare cat in heavily disturbed and degraded mountain ecosystems is extremely difficult or impossible, respectively preservation of viable populations of leopard inevitably associated with the effective protection of its habitat in целом.Также in the mountains there is an active poaching and hunting for skins these freshwater animals.
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