Нужно поставить нужную форму 1.children would have put everything into places if you (to asked) them. 2.if her son missed the lesson his mum … (to prohibit) him to go out. 3.if dan … (to understsnd) what happened at that time he would have done something. 4. we … (can slove) our problems if our parents helped us. 5. if i … (to be) a teacher i would`t give much homework.6.she would have traveled to china if she .. (not to be) ill. 7.our class … (to win) the competition if we had trained before. 8.girls … ( to remember) these names if they had showed how to write them.9.if you knev what to do we … (can save) poor kittens.10. if had phoned me yesterday i … (to meet) him.

DimanGame2016 DimanGame2016    2   10.07.2019 08:00    0

utopia2 utopia2  03.10.2020 00:04
1. had asked
2. would prohibit
3. had understood
4. could solve
5. was
6. wouldn't have been ill
7. would have won
8. would have remembered
9. could save
10. would have met
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