Нужно поставить глагол в скобках в одном из четырёх времён. in my dream, i 1) (walk) home from school, when i 2) (realise) that a cute little dog 3) (follow) me all that time. i 4) (turn) around to give the dog the sandwich i 5) (hold) at the time, and the puppy 6) (start) meowing, just like a cat! two years ago i 7) (dream) that i had a terrible toothache, and had to go the dentist. but by the time i 8) (arrive) at the dentist's, all my front teeth 9) (fall out)! when i 10) (get up). i 11) (run) to the mirror ro see if all my teeth were there! i was in a big shop, and while i 12) (wait) in the to pay, i 13) (spot) my old naighbour, who i 14) (not/see) for many years. the funny thing is that as i 15) (go) to school the next day, i 16) (bump) into her, at the bus stop.

kerillponomarenco kerillponomarenco    2   30.07.2019 13:10    2

Фприт Фприт  03.10.2020 17:29

1) was walking

2) realised

3) had been following

4) turned

5) was holding

6) started

7) dreamt

8) arrived

9) had fallen out

10) got up

11) ran

12) was waiting

13) spotted

14) hadn't seen

15) was going

16) bumped

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