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alegarxih alegarxih  04.08.2020 20:26
Is Elvin having an English lesson?
Elvin is not having an English lesson.

Is it Nazrin's birthday?
It's not Nazrin's birthday.

Is Anna at the cinema?
Anna is not at the cinema.

It the water warm?
The water is not warm.

Is Bob at the stadium?
Bob is not at the stadium.

Is she in bed?
She is not in bed.
arkadikmxitary arkadikmxitary  04.08.2020 20:26

Elvin is not having an English lesson. Is Elvin having an English lesson?

It isn't Nazrin's birthday. Is it Nazrin's birthday?

Anna is not at the cinema. Us Anna at the cinema?

The water is not warm. Is the weather warm?

Bob is not in the stadium. Is Bob in the stadium?

She is not in bed. Is she in bed?

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