Нужно перевести в согласование времен maggie says to her : "i ve never seen this before in my life" " i left natalie a message an hour ago " - she says "you were right , bob"- she admits "i don't want tj take this medicine "- she complains "my wife is busy . she is receving guests at the momtnt"-mr burton

kat243 kat243    2   27.06.2019 10:50    1

2polina21 2polina21  21.07.2020 21:15
Maggie told her that she had never seen that before in her life.
She said that she had left Natalie a message an hour before.
She admitted that Bob had been right.
She complained that she didn't want to take that medicine.
Mr Burton said that his wife was busy because she was receving guests at that moment.
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