Нужно перевести в косвенную речь: what's wrong with you? i can't stand up. i'm feeling weak. you have a high temperature. take an aspirin. are you feeling better ? i'm afraid not. i'll go to the drugstor. my son has a high temperature. we need antibiotics. do you have a prescription? no,i don't, i can't sell antibiotics without a prescription. but my son needs help.

ahmet2007 ahmet2007    1   20.06.2019 18:10    1

NurGangsta NurGangsta  02.10.2020 06:25
I asked what was wrong with you.
I said that I could not stand up
I said i was feeling weak
I said you had a high temperature
I advised you to take an aspirin
I asked if you were feeling better
I said I was afraid not
I said I would go to the drugstore
I said my son had a high temperature
I said we needed antibiotics
I asked if you had a prescription
I replied that I did not have it
I said that I could not sell antibiotics without a prescription
I said that my son needed help
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