Нужно перевести предложение на язык с past simple, present simple, present continuous, present simple, past continuous: 1. всякий раз когда я говорю с тобой ты кричишь. 2. мы уже сделали 5 . 3. последний раз когда я его видел он играл в футбол. 4. не говори громко, я разговариваю по телефону. 5. я думаю я приеду завтра 6. я читаю эту книгу каждый день 7. я с друзьями был в этом кафе много раз. 8. моя мама придет с работы в 8 вечера. 9. сейчас он занят, сейчас он учит китайский. 10. ты уже закончил читать эту книгу?

пстрвчлвяряу пстрвчлвяряу    2   23.09.2019 18:30    0

65893 65893  04.08.2020 14:56
1. Every time I talk to you you scream.

2. We have already done 5 exercises.

3. The last time I saw him he played football.

4. Do not talk loudly, I'm on the phone.

5. I think I'll come tomorrow

6. I read this book every day

7. I was at the cafe with my friends many times.

8. My mother will come home from work at 8 pm.

9. Now he is very busy, now he is learning Chinese.

10. Have you finished reading this book?
Маалинка1 Маалинка1  04.08.2020 14:56
Every time I talk to you, you scream.
We have already done 5 exercises.
Last time I saw him, he was playing football.
Don't speak up, I'm on the phone.
I think I'll come tomorrow.
I read this book every day
My friends and I have been to this cafe many times.
My mom's coming home from work at 8: 00.
Now he is very busy, now he teaches Chinese.
Have you finished reading this book yet?
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