Нужно перевести на этот текст: у нас дома живет говорящий попугай "какаду". ему 4 года, его зовут кедр. кедр родился в южной америке, но сейчас живет у нас дома. его тело голубое, а крылья белые. он веселый, умный и дружелюбный. кедр умеет говорить слова "", "кто дома", "как дела", "кошка хулиганит! ". когда я прихожу со школы , он кричит "" и "как дела". а когда наша кошка лазает по столу, он говорит "кошка хулиганит! ". но кедр дружелюбный попугай, и иногда он не рассказывает нам об этом. когда наша кошка говорит "мяу", попугай повторяет за ней. кошка начинает бегать по всему дому, мы не знаем почему. так же, наш попугай любит танцевать, и иногда сам смотрит телевизор. наша семья любит попугая кедра.

meow251 meow251    1   14.08.2019 07:00    1

Vika4634 Vika4634  04.10.2020 18:04
We live at home talking parrot "Kakadu". He was 4 years old, his name is Cedar. Cedar was born in South America, but is now living at home. His body was blue and white wings. He was very funny, smart and friendly. Cedar is able to speak the word "Hello", "Who's house", "How are you", "Cat hooligans!". When I come home from school, he shouts, "Hello" and "How are you". And when our cat climbs on the table, he says "Cat hooligans!". But Cedar is very friendly parrot, and sometimes he does not tell us about it. When our cat says, "Meow," a parrot repeating her. The cat begins to run around the house, we do not know why.Also, our parrot loves to dance, and sometimes watching television itself.Our family loves the parrot Cedar.
aizada14 aizada14  04.10.2020 18:04
Lived at home a parrot"Kakadu". was 4 years old, his name is Cedar Cedar was born in South America, but now living at home. His body was blue and white wings. He was very funny, smart and friendly. Cedar is able to speak the word"Hello", "Who's house", "How are you'', "Cat hooligans". When I come home from school, he shouts, "Hello" and"How are you" And when our cat climbs on the table, he says"Cat hooligans". But Cedar is very friendly parrot, and sometimes he does not tell us about it. When our cat says, "Meow." a parrot repeating her. The cat begins to run around the house, we do not know why Also, our parrot loves to dance, and Sometimes Watching teleVISIOn ItselТ.our family loves the parrot Cedar.
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