Нужно открыть скобки и вставить слова в правильную форму.и ответить на вопросы используя слова в скобках которые после знака вопроса 1)why you (not to be) at home yesterday evening? (to go to the theatre) 2)where he (to lose) his keys lately? (in the yard) 3)where the sun (to the east) 4)what kate (to eat)lately? (sweets) 5)where the sun (to the west) заранее

Гипопофото Гипопофото    2   29.06.2019 09:20    0

Lsjsjajj Lsjsjajj  23.07.2020 11:17
1) Why weren't you at home yesterday evening? -  I went to the theatre
2) Where did he lose his keys lately? - He lost his keys in the yard.
3) Where did the sun rise? - The sun rose in the East
4) What did Kate eat lately? - Kate ate sweets
5) Where did the sun set? - The sun set in the west
DevochkaYmnichka DevochkaYmnichka  23.07.2020 11:17
Why didn't you was at home yesterday? I went to the theatre.
Where did he lost his keys lately? He lost his keys in the yard.
Where do the sun rises? The sun rises in the East.
What did Kate ate lately? Kate ate sweets.
Where do the sun sets? The sun sets in the west.
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