Нужно описать архангельский собор на языке.

ladyplahtiy ladyplahtiy    2   19.03.2019 17:44    3

mariana122 mariana122  26.05.2020 04:52

the spruce and majestic Archangel Cathedral inside is quiet and gloomy. It's like he's filled with deep sadness. And it is clear why - under these arches lie the great Moscow princes and Russian tsars, from Ivan Kalita to Fyodor Mikhailovich Romanov. The temple is consecrated in the name of Archangel Michael, the leader of the angelic army and the head of the future Last judgment. He is in charge of escorting the souls of the righteous to the gates of Paradise.

It is believed that the stone Archangel Cathedral was built in 1333, dismantling the old wooden Church. Ostensibly Ivan Kalita did it in memory of the disaster that passed Russia, whether the plague, famine or crop failure. In the newly consecrated temple and put him, and then two sons. So the tradition of burial here of Grand Dukes, autocrats and members of their families was established. Already in his declining years, in 1505, Tsar Ivan III, who decided to complete the grandiose restructuring of the Moscow Kremlin with the construction of a worthy tomb. He entrusted this work to the Italian Aleviz, nicknamed New. But the result