Нужно очень сегодня Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните Infinitive (инфинитив); определите его функцию в предложении. 1. Recently many local authorities in the UK and in Europe have invested in GIS technology to achieve corporate planning. 2. To make the market as large as possible, there must be no impediments (препятствия) to free trade both within a country and among the countries. 3. The text to be translated was rather difficult. 4. I want her to help us. 5. To criticize is more pleasant than to be criticized. 6. To acquire skill and knowledge became the boy’s greatest desire. 7. His ambition was to educate himself to join the learned men on whom the tsar Peter I the Great was calling upon to transform Russia into a modern nation

ElDiablo1337 ElDiablo1337    3   31.10.2020 13:35    45

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