Нужно,оценка от этого за четверть зависит, ! put the verb into the correct form. 1.if it (to stop)snowing,we can go our. 2.if l sold my car,l (hot to get) much money for it. 3.if l (to have) enough money,l would have taken a taxi. 4.yesterday l got very wet in the rain,l wish l (to have) an umbrella. 5.the police (to arrest) him,if they catch him. 6.we (not to have) any money,if we didn't work. 7.they (not to miss) the plane,if they hadn't woken up late. 8.i wish we (to go) to the match next saturday but we are visiting my uncle instead. 9.i wish it (to be) summer now.

daffar1daffari daffar1daffari    3   25.08.2019 23:50    2

julka19981 julka19981  05.10.2020 19:51
Иди в п и кстати твой батя шабит по ночам 
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