Нужно найти 7 ошибок и исправить их, 1. everyone in the american literature class will receive their textbooks tomorrow. 2. somebody put his cigarette out in the sink. 3. the queen and her daughter spend much of her free time on horseback. 4. my brother and i will spend my weekend at the lake. 5. it is surprising that no one turned in their paper on time. 6. each fruit and vegetable were organically grown. 7. every post-graduate want to pass the grammar test. 8. everything in the house is for sale. 9. everyone have to arrive at 8: 30 in the morning.

Крутой649 Крутой649    1   29.09.2019 02:30    2

csonzdanova csonzdanova  09.10.2020 01:49

1 his( вместо their) 2 ✅3 their ( вместо her)4 our ( вместо my) 5 his ( вместо their) both (вместо each) 7 all postgraduates 8 ✅9 all ( вместо everyone)

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