Нужно написать ! you have received a letter from your english-speaking pen friend ben who writes: … i am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday i went to the cinema with my friends. we saw a new film about sherlock holmes. you’ve probably seen it too. what kinds of films do you like? where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? who is your favourite actor? as for the latest news, our basketball team won in the school championship last week… write him a letter. in your letter: • answer his 3 questions • ask 3 questions about his school life

AnnaFox2000 AnnaFox2000    1   31.08.2019 04:30    4

LyubovR LyubovR  16.08.2020 06:47
Hi Ben,
I am glad to hear from you again. Thank you for your previous letter. Sorry for not writing so long, I was busy with my school project. 
As for your questions, I like musicals, such as new film "La,La,Land"!I prefer watching films at home lying on the sofa and eating popcorn.At home I can press the pause button when I want and nobody interrupts the view. My favourite actor is Josh Hatcherson from "Hunger Games"!
I am glad to hear your news. Are you the best player in the team? Do you keen on any other kind of sport?Will your team take part in next round?
I am sorry, but I must finish now. I have to do my homework.
Write me if you can.
Best wishes.
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