Привет как твои зимние каникулы? Вот у меня они очень хорошо . Мы с семьей ходили на новогоднюю елку . Мне Дед мороз подарил новый телефон и мягкого мишку . Мы ездили в кино . А моец сестренке подарили куклы . Пиши мне как твои зимние каникулы ! Hello my friend . How are you ? What news have you about your winter holidays . My holidays were very big and fine. We with my family went to the christmas tree . There were Santa Claus , we took photo with him . And under my tree I found new telephone with toy bear . We went at the cinema too . And to my sister Santa Claus presented doll . Write me! Your ( name)
Вот у меня они очень хорошо . Мы с семьей ходили на новогоднюю елку . Мне Дед мороз подарил новый телефон и мягкого мишку . Мы ездили в кино . А моец сестренке подарили куклы . Пиши мне как твои зимние каникулы !
Hello my friend . How are you ? What news have you about your winter holidays . My holidays were very big and fine. We with my family went to the christmas tree . There were Santa Claus , we took photo with him . And under my tree I found new telephone with toy bear . We went at the cinema too . And to my sister Santa Claus presented doll . Write me!
Your ( name)