Нужно написать сочинение про одессу на english.

khusainova0606 khusainova0606    2   01.09.2019 08:20    0

kilernosok kilernosok  06.10.2020 09:24
I look out the window, outside the window of twilight,People flash like frames from a film.Here the old lady comes with an overcrowded bag,Her bag is full of bottles.Here ran a school of schoolchildren,The noise filled the evening street.Here comes a couple in the spring winged,In the intervals between the steps he kisses.Here comes a girl rolling a stroller.She smiled at her and smiled,Here is a slightly drunk tearing his ligaments.Shouts something obscene and stumbles.The janitor wearily wears cigarette butts,The wind returns them to their place.The world outside the window absorbed twilight,This is my city - my ODESSA.
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