Нужно написать предложения либо в past continuous, либо в past simple. 1. team/win) the football match yesterday? the weather was very bad, so we play). 2. how /break) the winndow? we ) football. i (kick) the ball and it (hit) the window. 3. /see) jenny last night? yes, she ) a very nice jacket. 4. what /do) at 2 o'clock this morning? i was asleep. 5. i ) my key last night. how /get) into your room? ) in through a winow.

Камалия11 Камалия11    2   20.07.2019 15:10    1

Ульяна3330 Ульяна3330  25.08.2020 11:24
1. Did your team win the football match yesterday?
The weather was very bad, so we didn`t play.

2. How did you break the winndow?
We were playing football. I kicked the ball and it hit the window.

3. Did you see Jenny last night?
Yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket.

4. What were you doing at 2 o'clock this morning?
I was asleep.

5. I lost my key last night.
How did you get into your room?
I climbed in through a winow.
BasketballGrand BasketballGrand  25.08.2020 11:24
1.Do your team win the football match yesterday?The weather was very bad, so we not playing.2.How do you break the winndow?We playing football.I kicked the ball and it hiting the window.3.Do you see Jenny last night?Yes, she wearing a very nice jacket.4.What do you do at 2 o'clock this morning?I was asleep.5.I lost my key last night.How do you get  into your room?I climbing in through a winow.
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