Нужно написать письмо по : "вы только что прочитали газетную статью под названием "почему телевидение вредно для нас". надо написать официальное письмо в редакцию. выскажите свое мнение по этим вопросам."
you have just read a newspaper article entitled "why tv is bad for us." we must write an official letter to the editor. express your opinion on these issues. "
a person's eyesight deteriorates, the exchange of substances slows down little mobility after turning off the tv feeling of emptiness and the person does not know how to take time, the child’s psyche can also suffer from watching the “bad” gears the child can become agressive and not very mobile and long thinking
you have just read a newspaper article entitled "why tv is bad for us." we must write an official letter to the editor. express your opinion on these issues. "
a person's eyesight deteriorates, the exchange of substances slows down little mobility after turning off the tv feeling of emptiness and the person does not know how to take time, the child’s psyche can also suffer from watching the “bad” gears the child can become agressive and not very mobile and long thinking