Нужно написать небольшое эссэ на . ( ) по плану 1) что такое искусство ( определение) 2) виды искусства(рисование,музыка,танцы,театр,архитектура и др) 3) мое любимое искусство и почему.( рисование и музыка можно) всё плохо с моей грамматикой. . заранее .

vikulek1 vikulek1    3   21.07.2019 05:20    1

KuroKei6 KuroKei6  03.10.2020 09:31
Art is a human activity in creating different artworks. These artworks express human feelings, emosions, imagination and beauty. Art can be of different forms such as painting, sculpture, dancing, music, theater, film, literature, photography and so on. As for me I like music and painting. I like to paint and I like to watch at paintings of other artists. I watch at pictures and think what the painter wants to show. And I also like music. Music makes me happy. It helps me to forget about all problems and I can listen to music all the time.
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