Нужно написать(НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ),что именно расказывается в тексте

BeemayaS BeemayaS    2   06.03.2020 18:59    2

ksss4 ksss4  11.10.2020 20:01

Tomas Edison's life was covered with some guesses and even mysteries, because no one exactly knew how many  technological devices he invented during his life.

It revealed not long ago, that the light bulb which was considered as the most renowned invention of his, was just a little particle among a huge variety of other his inventions. His secret was simple but in the same time extremely effective,  - he believed that an inventor mustn't give up his projects under no circumstances.  Neither stress caused by overwork, nor even a disaster could stop him.

He continued working hard on his ideas alloting just a few hours for sleep. Being stubborn and intelligent individual allowed him to reach a great success in various fields of study. For example, while working on serious high-technical projects he found some time for writing poems !

Thus it could be said, that Tomas Edison's persistence and belief in himself made him the most famous inventor of the century. It would be reasonable for us to hearken to the advice given by him about a proper approach to any issues that arise from time to time in our lives and how to deal with them.


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