нужно написать эссе "Taking risk: what does it mean to you?

Zvezdo4kaKatty Zvezdo4kaKatty    1   23.04.2020 08:50    2

375196albert 375196albert  13.10.2020 17:50

Risk is the heart's reliance on God alone. It is impossible to take risks without first having faith in your heart. Risk is a complete obedience to the laws of the world in terms of reasons. Obedience to causes does not mean complete dependence on them, but forgetting the Creator of causes. Risk is to entrust God to Himself in all worldly affairs, both in the hereafter and in the Hereafter, and to wait for its positive outcome and to be grateful for one's destiny. In this regard, Yahya ibn Mu'adh asked, "When does a person take a risk?" When asked, he said, "When God is sincerely grateful to be His representative."

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