Нужно написать 4-5 предложений на английском, о животном, занесёный в красную книгу!​

ssdjpiffi ssdjpiffi    3   03.03.2021 09:50    0

dabby25 dabby25  02.04.2021 09:51

I will tell you about the cheetahs. These animals are listed in the Red Book. They are predators of the cat family. Cheetahs are strong animals. Cheetahs are the only species that has survived to this day

arinashemetova arinashemetova  02.04.2021 09:51


The bison is the only wild bull in Europe that has survived to this day. For most of the peoples of the Caucasus, the bison served not only as an object of hunting, but also personified the forces of nature, had a traditional cult value, and was worshiped as one of the symbols of their native land. The bison is an integral part of the ecosystems of the deciduous forests of the Caucasus, which forms the landscape characteristic of the region

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