Нужно написать 12-15 предложений о junk/fast food

tim1963yt tim1963yt    3   22.08.2019 20:20    0

natazhukova95 natazhukova95  05.10.2020 13:20
Fast food is not a good choice. If you want to stay healthy the you shouldn't eat it. Fast food harms to your organism and health. It tastes good but it's not worth it. Just imagine how bad it affects on your health. Also it makes you fat. So does it all worth it? I think that it's not. If you will eat something healthy, a salat, for example, you will see how good it will affects on your body. You will feel cheerfulness and energy. Your mood will raise. You will see that healthy food is much better than fast food. Just try it!
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