When Pete was going home from school, the weather was very bad. It was cold, a strong wind was blowing and it was raining. Pete had no umbrella and no raincoat. When he came home, he had a running nose and a bad cough and sneezed all the time. His mother told him to get into bed. She put mustard plasters on his chest. In the evening Pete was running a temperature and had a headache. His mother gave him hot tea with honey and raspberry jam to beat down the temperature and a tablet for headache.
The next morning Pete had a sore throat and a cold in the head. His temperature was thirty seven point six. So he had to stay away from school. His mother called the doctor in.
When the doctor came, he felt Pete's pulse, examined his throat and listened to his heart and lungs. He diagnosed the case as the flu and prescribed some medicine.
"Here is the prescription for your medicine," he said. "Take a table spoonful of this mixture three times a day after meals."
"May I get up?" asked Pete.
"No. You must stay in bed a few days, until your temperature is normal," said the doctor. "Drink a lot of hot tea with raspberry jam and eat honey. You like honey, don't you?" he added, seeing that Pete smiled. "Hot milk is also very good for your sore throat."
"Oh!" Pete made a face. "I don't want to drink hot milk. I just hate it" he said.
"О. K., hot tea, then," said the doctor. "And by the way," he added, turning to Pete's mother, "tell your daughter not to enter this room. The flu is catching, and if you are not careful, she may catch it. I'll come again in three days to see how my patient is getting on."
Pete's illness was not very serious. He followed the doctor's instructions and was getting better from day to day. In a few days he had completely recovered.​

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