Нужно к данному предложению составить 5 вопросов. 1. общий вопрос 2. альтернативный вопрос 3. разделительный вопрос 4. специальный вопрос (х2) буду . efficient and high standard communication, transmission of voice and video information contribute to development of business, culture and education, meet social needs of the population.

Муликил Муликил    2   03.08.2019 19:40    0

albinashav albinashav  25.08.2020 19:18
1. Общий вопрос. Do efficient and high standard communication, transmission of voice and video information contribute to development of business, culture and education, meet social needs of the population?
2. Альтернативный вопрос. Efficient and high standard communication, transmission of voice and video information contribute to development of business, culture and education, meet social needs of the population, don't they?
3. Разделительный вопрос. Efficient and high standard communication, transmission of voice and video information contribute to development of business, culture and education, meet social needs of the population of do they meet thier primary needs?
4. Специальный вопрос 1. What kind of communication meets social needs of the population?
4. Специальный вопрос 2. What needs of the population does social Efficient and high standard communication, transmission of voice and video information contribute to development of business, culture and education meet?
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