Нужно из прямой речи переделать в косвенную.
Well, I thinkthe problem happens because people don't get a good education.
Hi, Andrew. It was fantastic. It's a shame you didn't come.
Well, Greece was amazing.
I took lots of pictures, but I got sunstroke.
Anyway, after Greece, I went to Italy, but i gor seasick on the ferry.
My purse was stolen while I was waiting for a bus.
I think the goverment should set up better schools.
Just tell me all about it.
I had a bit of trouble in Barcelona.
Hope it didn't spoil your holiday.

daryaladelshhikova daryaladelshhikova    3   15.04.2020 12:50    0

belozerovyurik belozerovyurik  16.04.2020 01:30

I don't know, who are you,why

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