Нужно дописать по теме Tag question
1. Maria left for Chicago last night, … ?
2. There are many students absent today, … ?
3. You wrote those letters, … ?
4. The traffic will be very heavy, … ?
5. Anna can help us, … ?
6. It was a good movie, … ?
7. That dog is yours, … ?
8. The bus stops on the corner, … ?
9. You haven’t given me my change, … ?
10. I’ve paid you, … ?
11. Your father is an excellent lawyer, … ?
12. You will be in class tomorrow, … ?
13. It was raining at the time, … ?
14. He is supposed to leave tomorrow, … ?
15. He is not a very dependable person, … ?
16. Norma can't go with us,… ?
17. You won't be back before noon, … ?
18. His wife didn't come with him, … ?
19. He doesn't like to go to the beach, … ?
20. You can't speak French, … ?
21. Your roof doesn't leak, … ?
22. You weren't driving fast at the time, … ?
23. You live in the city, … ?
24. Taxes are high in College Town, … ?
25. That's right, … ?
26. Professor Smith lives in the apartment, … ?
27. You’re going to sell the house, … ?
28. They will be at the dinner, … ?
29. The Jones used to live in an apartment, … ?
30. They didn’t have to pay property taxes then, … ?

zheniskanovaa zheniskanovaa    3   27.03.2020 17:48    1

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