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Practice on Stress

I. Transcribe the words and divide them into syllables

create, about, music, pity, naturally, certainly, level, kitchen, behave, lesson.

II. Mark the stress

clever, water, before, mistake, cinema, situate, articulation, appreciate, appreciation, unknown, irregular, rewrite, prepaid, interchange, twenty three, well - known, to give up, to try on, goldfish ,first class, turn out.

III. Transcribe the following sentences mark the stresses

1. This article is for export only. This country exports much wool.

2. You need a permit to go there. Will you permit me to say a few words?

3. Where's the object in this sentences? I object to your last remark

4. This book belongs to our absent minded professor. Our professor is absent - minded and often leaves his books behind.

IV. Transcribe the sentences mark the stresses and find the Head, Pre - Head,

Nucleus and Tail.

1. What a pity you didn't say so sooner!

2. I've never seen anything like them.

3. Is there any reason why I should?

4. Have a good time

5. Could I live a message for her?

V. Give the equivalents of these proverbs

1. East or west, home is best.

2. Good health above wealth.

3. Better late than never.

4. First come, first served.

5. Every country has it customs.

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